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Ardiansversary 8th: Sinergi, Berbagi dan Peduli Proof of Ardians & Co’s Care

Ardians & Co successfully organised the Ardiansversary 8th: Sinergi, Berbagi dan Peduli which was held on Sunday (22/12) yesterday.

The event, which was held in collaboration with SDS Shibghah Akhlak Quran (Sakura), is proof of Ardians & Co’s concern as a law firm, where the series of events are Mass Circumcision, Donations and Free Health Checks attended by orphans and poor people, as well as from the CAGAR Foundation.

Ardians & Co celebrated its 8th birthday, since its establishment in 2016, Ardians & Co has long been practicing as a law office that handles many legal issues and is domiciled in Bekasi City. With the theme of Synergy, Sharing and Caring, Ardians & Co has a deep message in choosing the theme.

Synergy means that Ardians & Co as a law firm, continues to maintain and foster relationships with various important elements in Bekasi City such as educational institutions, police officers, city government, military and also council members, in order to create a better and more advanced Bekasi City in the future.

While the selection of the words Berbagi and Peduli, Ardians & Co gives a message of wanting to continue to share with people in need and also care about social life, especially around Bekasi City. This was proven by the mass circumcision and donation, specifically for the underprivileged, as well as health checks that were open to all local residents.

The event was attended by several important figures, both within Ardians & Co and Sakura itself, such as Mr. M. Hadi Ardiansyah Nasution, S.H., M.H., C.P.L as founder of Ardians & Co, Mr. M. Rofiaddin, S.H., C.T.L as Managing Partner of Ardians & Co, Mrs. Sarrah Yuliana and Mr. Lutfi Nurhakim and Ustadz Deka Kurniawan, S.Pd.I from Sakura.

In addition, from the outside, Camat Bekasi Selatan, Mr Karya Sukmajaya, S.AP., M.Si, then Kompol Untung Riswaji, S.H., M.H., M.M (Kapolsek Bekasi Selatan), Captain CBA Misul (Wadanramil 01/Kranji), Mr. Adhika Dirgantara, S.Kom (Member of DPRD Bekasi from Fraksi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera), and also other officials starting from the Lurah Jaka Mulya and also both Head of Neighborhood (RT dan RW).

In addition to speeches, this event also presented a speaker, Ustadz Nunu Zainul Fuad, S.Si as Awareness Trainer for Character Building Coach who also read a prayer. Even though it rained heavily, it did not make the people who came move from their seats until the event was over.

The event was closed with a donation to 20 children given by the Founder of Ardians & Co, Mr. Hadi and the last performance was a special Mother’s Day poem recitation by 3 Sakura students. Hopefully the Ardiansversary event can bring many blessings and benefits to Ardians & Co, SDS Sakura, children participating in mass circumcision, recipients of donations and also residents who take part in health checks, as well as for the people of Bekasi City in general.

Photos: Ardians & Co

Author: Bimo Setyo