On Saturday (25/1), Founder of Ardians & Со, Mr. M. Hadi Ardiansyah Nasution, S.H., M.H., C.P.L. had the opportunity to fulfil the invitation as a presenter in the Basic Education Training and Legal Assistance activities of the Legal Aid Institute of the Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (PDBH – LKBHMI) organised by the Bekasi Branch of HMI at the Agricultural Quarantine Techniques and Methods Test Centre, Bekasi Regency.
Mr. Hadi presented the material entitled ‘Legal Analysis Strategy and Legal Opinion Preparation’. This time, Mr. Hadi presented the material with enthusiasm because the audience was the younger generation (students and fresh graduates) who are active in the HMI organisation.
Although the material presented was specifically aimed at professionals (in this case the legal profession or advocates), it did not dampen the intention and attention of the HMI activists to find out more about how to prepare a legal opinion.
It is hoped that the legal opinion material that has been presented will be useful for the HMI activists who attended the training for future provision in making a reliable, accurate and professional legal opinion.
Photo: Personal
Author: Bimo Setyo